We are back with part 2 of the Top Tips Blogs. We have some truly inspiring tips from 13 amazingly talented surface pattern designers from around the globe. We also have the added bonus of Mary Beth Freet joining us from Pink Light Studio - Art Licensing and Design. So make sure you don't miss Mary Beths invaluable advice on getting your work licensed.
Part 1 was a fabulous hit, with almost 4,000 hits to my blog! So we just had to do a part 2 right?! Please feel free to share this blog with your fellow designers :)
There were loads of hints and tips in part 1, but the main piece of advice that I personally ran with was this from Lotta Jansdotter
I know, it doesn't seem much, but just that tiny piece of advice has really given me the confidence to stride forward, head held high! Since the last blog, I've signed my first two licensing deals and I truly believe that something switched on after reading the tips. I stopped taking tiny little baby steps, constantly wondering if I was doing things right, listening too much to other people and forever questioning my work. I turned away from the negative and I started to believe in myself. I embraced what came out of my hand, which in return helped me to start taking great big, giant and confident leaps......and it seems to be working!
SO..................Are YOU ready to leap?
Jessica Hogarth
Part 1 was a fabulous hit, with almost 4,000 hits to my blog! So we just had to do a part 2 right?! Please feel free to share this blog with your fellow designers :)
There were loads of hints and tips in part 1, but the main piece of advice that I personally ran with was this from Lotta Jansdotter
"Embrace what comes out of your hand"
Ali Benyon
SO..................Are YOU ready to leap?
Jessica Hogarth
Tip 1 - Develop and then have confidence in your own
design style. There are loads of well established and incredibly successful
designers whose work I admire, but there is nothing to be gained from trying to
make my style like theirs. They already have the market covered, and no one
likes a copycat.
Tip 2 - Keep on top of admin! Sometimes I feel like it
takes over my life, but being organised is really important. The business side
of things, such as accounts, keeping in touch with clients and updating online
social platforms is a key part of the business too.
Tip 3 - Go social media crazy! I’ve got some great
freelance clients by being on LinkedIn and Pinterest, gained new stockists as a
result of Twitter, and continue to spread the word of Jessica Hogarth Designs
on Facebook. If your work isn’t relevant for a follower or contact right now,
it doesn’t mean it won’t be in a few months time. Keep reminding people you are
there by posting regular but thoughtful and interesting content on as many
platforms as possible.
Tip 4 - Speculate to accumulate. I know this is easier
said than done, as we all have bills etc to pay out for. However, investing in
stock, doing trade shows and sending out promotional material is all worth it.
Only do what you can afford, but I have found that investing in my business early,
in terms of doing trade shows and buying stock in quantities that I can make
decent profit margins on, has really helped me to grow.
Tip 5 - Don’t get stuck in your ways. Take in all
feedback you receive and adapt your business accordingly. If buyers tell you
your shipping prices are too high, then consider, can you lower them? If your
notebooks aren’t selling because they aren’t in plastic wallets, start selling
them in plastic wallets! The same goes for freelance work. If your colour
palettes are beautiful but not commercial, consider offering some alternatives.
Colour can make a huge difference to the success of a design.
Jessica Hogarth
Jilly P
Tip 1- Don't give up. When I was first starting out there
were 2 influential people who told me I would never have a career in design. I
felt deflated for a time but then my stubbornness took over! It fuelled me to
work hard and prove them wrong. Sometimes you will need to turn negativity into
positive energy!
Tip 2 - You also need to be prepared to work hard for a
long time- it takes many years to build your client base so keep creating.
Tip 3 - Get inspired, but don't copy. It's easy to look
at someone else's work and want to do the same style, but it's far better to
create your own.
Tip 4 - Take a chance. Invest in your future. A few years
ago I decided to invest some hard-earned money into exhibiting at Surtex in New
York. It was such a great experience and I met so many future clients. It was
worth every penny.
Jilly P
Mary Beth Freet – Pink Light Studio- Art Licensing and
Tip 1 - Have patience and be persistent. It takes a
while to work up your portfolio and find a spot for your art in the
Tip 2 - Have a well rounded portfolio. I always like
to see artists that can do their style in a variety of themes. Make sure that
your portfolio contains season artwork, floral designs and everyday patterns.
Make sure to do what is most inspiring to you, while offering the client options.
Also, the amount of artwork that you start out with is important as well. You
want to be able to show potential licensees that you have a variety and depth
of work. I would say to start with at least 10-15 collections.
Tip 3 - Have a point of view. Our point of view at
Pink Light is "Happy" artwork. We want to bring smiles to people's
faces with our work. A strong point of view gives you a consistent goal and
purpose which will help keep you on track.
Tip 4 - Be unique. Find out what is unique about you
and bring that to life through your artwork. This can be a soul searching
process but definitely worth the time and will make you stand out from the
Tip 5 - Have a vision for where you want your brand to
go. Keep that vision in mind and don't worry about all the
"how's" and "to do's" in between. Keep the vision strong in
your mind and take small steps everyday to get there. Also, constantly renew
that vision as your dreams start to come true.
Pink Light Studio
Khristian A. Howell
Tip 1 - Trust your gut. I'll be honest. I could never get
down with the whole owl trend. First of all it is the animal trend that will
never die (I was doing owls way back in my Nordstrom days). Second, they are
just not my favourite thing to do by far - so, I don't. Trends come and go, and
we don't have to jump on every band wagon. I think it is far more important to
create work that is unique and makes you happy. This is what resonates with
buyers and consumers.
Tip 2 - Colour matters. The first impression a consumer
has of a product in the marketplace is colour. Think about when you are in a
clothing store full of racks. You are drawn to the colour first. In most
instances you can't see the print or cut of the garment until you investigate
further. Dive into your colour palettes and understand the powerful message
your colour choices can send.
Tip 3 - Go outside! Travel is my biggest inspiration. It
is key that we don't create in a vacuum. Go shopping. Go to the museum. Just go
and see something new! It will fuel your creative fire!
Khristian A Howell
Zoe Ingram
Tip 1 - Do a lot of research on the type of companies you
want to target, the types of products they sell and the kind of art work they
have on their products.
Tip 2 - Finding your own style is pretty important
because it will become part of your brand and people will recognise your work
from your style. It can take a long time to find it so try to not be too hard
on yourself during this process. Find your style by practice, practice,
practise. Draw, paint or print or use digital software, whatever your methods
just keep doing it - the more you do the more refined your style becomes. You
learn things about how you like to work along the way. If you don’t know what
your style is yet it will eventually become apparent the more you create,
learning from mistakes and successes.
Tip 3 - Submit your work to companies you’d like to work
with. How do they know about you if you don’t show your work?
Tip 4 - Find a good support network whether that’s a
group of local artists or an online group where you can share information &
tips, ask for advice or just have a good old moan to someone who will listen!
Tip 5 - Just make a start. Don’t let fear hold you back.
You might be afraid to start drawing in your sketchbook because it’s too white
and untouched and what if you make a mistake. Or, you might be afraid of
showing your work. Whatever your fear is, just put it aside for the 10 minutes
or 2 days, however long it takes you to just start.
Zoe Ingram
Victoria Johnson
Tip 1 - I can’t emphasise this enough – show up. Work
systematically everyday on your business and over the course of time you will
start to see that you have built something and it is growing.
Tip 2 - Fight through the bad bits. I seem to reach a
point during almost every project where I think it’s hopeless and I ought to
abandon it. I know now from experience that fighting through that feeling works
and when I come out the other side I always have something I like, that by
being challenged I was forced to problem solve and create something new.
Tip 3 - Like and trust your own taste. I like turquoise
and mint green and blue. I also like lots of pretty details. I spent years
trying to avoid always gravitating towards those colours, trying to avoid
cluttering up my work. Then it dawned on me that it was okay. Other people like
those things too. I do those things well because they make me happy. I don’t
fight it any more because that’s me and my work should reflect my taste.
Tip 4 - Throw yourself and your work out there – without
a backward glance. Don’t deliberate, worry it’s not good enough. Get it into
the world and see what comes back. Good or bad – it fuels your knowledge about
yourself as a designer. Good responses are motivating and confidence building.
Bad responses enable you to problem solve, find the right path. Join courses
and groups, enter competitions, be active on social media. Interact and get
involved with your world.
Tip 5 --Be organised. I’m naturally quite chaotic but I
file and backup my work religiously, keep a client database, have accounting
software, write my weekly goals nearly every Monday, keep my workspace tidy. I
make myself do this because if I don’t I’ll be spending inordinate amounts of
time thinking about and being distracted by boring things. I want the boring
things to run smoothly in the background so I can think about pretty colours!
Victoria Johnson
Jill McDonald
Tip 1 - Stay TRUE
to what you do. With so much social media going on over the last couple years I
think we all feel the need to hop on the next trend or make art that looks
current. While I agree, trends are important, good thought out work from an
artist that understands their special strength is timeless.
Tip 2 - Be open. This one can be hard because we all tend
to numb or go on auto pilot. Be aware of where you are, what you feel, have
your eyes open & translate that into your art. We all have a story to tell,
let that come out in what you create.
Tip 3 - Don't be afraid- be willing to reach outside your
comfort zone. Take on the things that make you uncomfortable. Being out of your
comfort zone can be a really good thing, it allows you to stretch & grow.
If there's a format or category that really speaks to you- go after it.
Tip 4 - Allow yourself time to play. I am pushing myself
to embrace this idea. When we're in school we learn a variety of ways to work.
Often times when we're working we lose the time to experiment. I think continuing
to play in a variety of ways with your art keeps you growing in some exciting
& unexpected ways.
Tip 5 - Weather the storm & don't compare yourself to
others. There will be ups & downs. Times when your look or style is right
on the mark & then those other times it's a bit off. That's ok, styles come
& go solid, strong work is always in need. Don't compare yourself to others
or change what makes your style unique to you. This doesn't help you or keep
your vision clear. If you are staying true to you & pushing yourself to
grow people will take notice.
Jill McDonald
Veronica Galbraith
Tip 1 - Try to
sketch every day for at least half and hour. Set up a routine, put on some
music you love and draw anything that comes to mind. Do not dwell on
perfection. Every line has the potential to take you to interesting places. It
takes thousands of hours of practice to get good at something. The great thing
is that you can always refer to these sketches when you're stuck for ideas in
the future.
Tip 2 - Don't be afraid to draw inspiration from anything
and everything. There are amazing ideas hidden everywhere. A fly on a wall, the
floor you walk on, some leftovers on a plate. Just look around you and try to
think outside the box. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
Tip 3 - Stop working when the inspiration is gone, don't
try to force it. Go out for a walk, go shopping, have coffee with a friend. The
time off will reset your brain and when you come back to it the ideas will
start flowing.
Tip 4 - Find your own design style. Design things that
make you happy and that you would buy for yourself. Do not copy any other
designer's visual language just because they're successful. There are customers
for your style, you just need to find them.
Tip 5 - Don't believe everything that people tell you
(not even me!) Follow your heart and your instincts..."
Veronica Galbraith
Flora Waycott
Tip 1 - Start from scratch and spend time
drawing/painting/playing. I try as much as possible to get inspiration from and
draw real objects, so if I am drawing a leaf I will go out and find one..this
helps to keep everything original and 'me'.
Tip 2 - Be realistic - you can't do everything! I always
want to do so many things at once but it is better to have a few fabulous
designs than many that you are not quite happy with. Be patient…take small
steps at a time and be kind to yourself.
Tip 3 - Connect with others on social media - it's a
great way to get your work out there and chat to other artists and designers. I
have 'met' so many people through Instagram and Facebook and everyone is so
supportive and encouraging.
Tip 4 - Try not to get distracted by other people's work
- easier said than done! I love looking at other designers' work but now I
limit it as I am really scared of being too influenced and losing my style.
There is such wonderful work out there but your work is wonderful too -
concentrate on what you feel are your strengths and your work will blossom.
Tip 5 - Have a good attitude! Stay positive and good
things will happen and people will respond to you. Be professional at all times
and try to be flexible and the rewards will come!
Flora Waycott
Julie McKeown -
Tip 1 - Be prepared to work hard! Textiles can be
inspirational and fantastically rewarding (not always financially!) but you
must have a passion and drive and simply put in the hours – it is not enough to
be talented! A quote I love and always say to my students (I am a part-time
design lecturer) is “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard”.
Tip 2 - If wanting to start up your own textile business
there are so many routes you can take. If you are more about creating products
like greetings cards, stationery or interior products etc. Do your research.
Visit trade shows and generally gather as much information as possible, particularly on the
business side. Don’t book an expensive trade show straight away,
promote your work in other and more cheaper ways first.
Tip 3 - Do look
into short business courses in your local area (they are often free). These
will give you invaluable advice on things you don’t always think of as
important like marketing, ecommerce and simple bookkeeping.
Tip 4 - Find design mentors to bounce ideas around with.
Make a network of textile friends and become a support network for each other.
Social media is great for this. What I have found from doing this is that many
designers are so willing to share and help each other, which is fantastic!
Tip 5 - Many textile designers often speak of having
their own style or ‘handwriting’; although this is important; as a textile
designer (particularly if you are freelance and working for a variety of
different clients/briefs) it is equally important to be able to adapt and
explore new methods of working. Try new things, techniques and explore ways of
using media – that is when the unexpected will happen! Don’t be afraid to take
Tip 6 - Get your work out there through your own website,
blog features and sending out exciting press releases to magazines. Use social
media as much as possible to promote any new work.
Tip 7 - Finally, write down your goals and think big! Go
for it! If your dream is to work in New York or get your 1st licensing
deal with a certain brand you love – commit yourself to achieving it. You will
be amazed at what will start to happen when you set your mind to it! Jess Hogarth
and I have set ourselves a goal to have a stand together at Surtex 2016!
Julie McKeown
Valerie Foster
Tip 1 - Finding a healthy balance between work, home and
self continues to be a challenge, but I'm able to make it work 95% of the time
through meticulous scheduling and a fair amount of caffeine. Happiness fuels
productivity, and a sizable, varied portfolio with rhythm is what clients &
agents want to see.
Tip 2 - Getting in "the zone" is a huge part of
my creative process. My ritual begins with tidying up my workspace, turning on
some music, and settling in with a cup of tea to browse my favorite sites for
inspiration & trend alerts before getting to work. Finding my happy place
was huge for me, and it began to show in my work. Lilla Rogers said it best:
"people buy your joy"!
Tip 3 - Living within a creative environment has been
incredibly helpful for my artistic spirit. I'm truly the luckiest girl on the
planet to have such an amazing family that has always encouraged me to pursue
art as a career. I also chose a partner who appreciates and supports my
creative endeavors... which is just an eloquent way of saying he tolerates most
of my DIY projects with a smile ;)
Tip 4 - Confidence in myself as an artist was something I
had to cultivate over time and has proven to be a critical tool. Like many
other artistic types, I'm my own worst critic and often don't realize when I
have something great. I've even been known to pick my designs apart while
staring at them on a store shelf! My self confidence was forged through many
years of trying my hand at different areas of design and learning a wide range
of valuable technical skills in the process. Learning to trust my own eye was a
big step forward.
Tip 5 - Finally, I think I am where I am today because I
was willing to learn from my mistakes and try again, harder and with more
passion. When I think I'm finished with a piece or collection, I'll walk away
for a few hours, sometimes a few days, and then take another look. 9 times out
of 10 I'll see room for improvement, taking it from good to great.
Rosie Simons
Tip 1 - Put yourself out there: Both with submissions and
sharing your work online. How can anyone know they want to work with you if
they don’t know you’re there? But don’t beat yourself up if you’re rejected, or
if you make a mistake. Be grateful you will know for next time!
Tip 2 - Create what feels right to you and don’t worry
what everyone else is doing. Do whatever feels right and go for it. Do what
makes you happy and most creative as your best work will come when you are
happy and enjoying what you are doing! Create as much art as possible, try
different styles and techniques until you find your “style”. You will know when
you’ve found it and all your work starts to look cohesive.
*Absorb everything you can! Read blogs, go to shops, take
in nature, look around you! You never know how this will all develop in your
mind and create wonderful ideas!
Tip 3 - Set yourself goals and dream big! - ‘If you can
dream it, you can do it’ - Write a list of things you want to achieve this
year, month or week and really work at them! Goals give you something to work
towards and it’s so rewarding when you look back at what you have achieved! It
may seem scary at the time but it’s worth it. – ‘Shoot for the moon, even if
you miss you’ll land amongst the stars’
Tip 4 - Don’t forget to take time out. If you can’t seem
to get a design right, take some time out from it, don’t look at it for a few
days, go out and get inspired and refreshed and then come back to it, you’ll be
amazed what a difference it can make. Always go out and get some fresh air and
inspiration when you’re feeling stuck and don’t forget to spend time with
friends, see new things, new places, experience new things, the more inspired
you are the more creative you will become!
Rosie Simons
Julie Hamilton – Artistically Afflicted
Tip 1 - Never stop learning ~ experiment with new
techniques, try different mediums and make marks. Try to learn a new trick
everyday and don't forget to ask lots of questions along the way.
Tip 2 - Ask and
you shall receive ~ Give people the opportunity to say YES to your work. Of
course, you may get a few NO's along the way, but know that there is someone
out there just waiting to discover you. Put yourself out there!
Tip 3 Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Community -
Share and learn from others. Have fun working!
Tip 4 - Practice ~ Patience ~ Perseverance - this
is my motto and one I come back to almost daily. Stay positive and know that
your time will come.
I just want to say a massive, massive thank you to all the designers that have taken time out of their busy schedules to share their tips with us. Both in parts 1 and 2 of the blogs. It's so lovely to work in an industry with such talented and supportive people. Finally, good luck to all those that are heading off to Surtex next month! I hope all goes well for you all!
PS - I have some great business blogs that you can read with loads of tips and advice on how to make it running your own business. Over the years I've interviewed some really inspiring ladies. The posts have info on getting published in magazines, presenting at your first trade show, time management, branding and many more. You can read all 32 posts here
Ali xx
Julie Hamilton
I just want to say a massive, massive thank you to all the designers that have taken time out of their busy schedules to share their tips with us. Both in parts 1 and 2 of the blogs. It's so lovely to work in an industry with such talented and supportive people. Finally, good luck to all those that are heading off to Surtex next month! I hope all goes well for you all!
PS - I have some great business blogs that you can read with loads of tips and advice on how to make it running your own business. Over the years I've interviewed some really inspiring ladies. The posts have info on getting published in magazines, presenting at your first trade show, time management, branding and many more. You can read all 32 posts here
Ali xx
Fabulous feature again, Ali! The two messages that jumped out at me there were 'Find your style' and 'Be prolific'. I wonder if different readers would take different messages away? Thanks so much for gathering these great tips. :)
ReplyDeleteNo worries Tasha. So glad you enjoyed reading them all! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Ali for putting this together. It's so inspiring and encouraging! I feel like reading it again and again!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad it has inspired you Claudia. That's what it was meant to do. I see you on my FB page liking every time you see me post about this blog, so I knew you were excited to read it! So glad you like it xxx
ReplyDeleteA great read Ali! Thanks for putting this together. This business is hard work, but it's inspiring to know that we have surrounded ourselves with such a great supportive community. Thank you for introducing me to a few more fellow designers! Julie
ReplyDeleteNo worries Julie Thanks so much for getting involved. It was fun! Ali x
DeleteWow, great advice from some talented artists here!! Thanks for creating this great feature, my take is hard work, persistence and perseverance and go easy on yourself if you get knock backs, but just get back on the horse and keep on going ! X
ReplyDeleteInspiring tips, Ali, and a wonderful post again. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLove this from Veronica Galbraith "Every line has the potential to take you to interesting places."
Thanks ladies. Yes I reckon we can all get something for these tips. I agree Kat, you've got to keep getting back on that horse. You've got to work HARD to succeed and we're going to succeed right??!!!!! xx :)
ReplyDeleteRead both your articles on Surface Pattern Designers Top Tips. Thanks for compiling and sharing them. Got them bookmarked so I can revisit these great advices again and again.
ReplyDeleteGreat Myriam. So glad they helped you! - Ali x
ReplyDeleteAll fantastic. Loved looking at all the great and inspirational work. Very motivating.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Ali, full of gems! Thanks for letting me be part of it... XX
ReplyDeleteThank YOU Veronica x
ReplyDeletegreat post Ali!
ReplyDeleteSO helpful, thanks for the fantastic advice!
ReplyDeleteVery helpful post and so many great tips! Thank you designers for sharing your thoughts :)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for sharing useful tips!! ♥
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot. Really enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this compilation of wonderful advice from the other designers, Ali! Aspiring designers will surely find this inspiring, and hopefully encourage them to continue on working at their designs and visions, so that they continue to thrive. And if I may add, it is also a matter of self-exploration. Just continue what you want to do, don't be afraid to experiment a bit, and always think out of the box. All the best!
ReplyDeleteClint Shaff @ Franchise Match
Thanks for sharing the design info here. Keep up the good work. All the best.
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