Monday, June 27, 2011

Two whole months.....has it really been that long?

Oh My has two whole months gone by without so much as a peep from me?

 Apologies, apologies. The thing is, I'm not the most confident of people and the idea of blabbing off to you all every two minutes about how great my life is, or giving out tips on how to be a more positive person is really not my thing. So this is why i talk about my work, which i hope isn't too boring for you. I didn't think i had much to tell you, that was until i started writing this today and have only just realised just how busy i have been!!

So this is just a snippet of what I've been up to in the past two months......

One of the things that i was rather proud of last month, was when i got asked to be included in an Art exhibition in Shanghai through ExpatriART. (I must admit part of me was actually a little worried that i was going to see all of my lovely designs being copied and sold in $2 shops all over Australia within six months of me agreeing to it. LOL....mmmm, then again six months isn't up yet!!) A lot of my designs were sold there and it was a great feeling to know my work was being viewed in other parts of the world.

You can just see my work over there to the left

Then came custom order after custom order. Here a few of my favourites.
This one was for Evie and her gorgeous little girl, Milena, who has a Chinese heritage. I must admit, i was a little daunted when i first received the brief on this one, but i just love the colour combinations and the bold shapes. Evie likes it too....thanks goodness!

Next came......named designs. I swore i would not go there, a bit too commercial for me. But i got a request from a FB friend and i couldn't say no. Anyway, it has all turned out for the best and orders have been flooding in. Thanks so much to Clare from lily Blossom for asking me to do the first one. xx

Custom order to match Birdy Boo's logo, a wee bit tricky this one

My homewares collection has also really come on......This one with the black, red and neutrals has been really popular. So much so, I had to start doing prints. This one pictured is a mixed media print, with added buttons and a stitched border..

Blues and creams with silver thread

Pale blue, neutrals, silver and silver thread

...........and have a look at my "little Missy". She's been having a bit of an image upgrade too......

I've experimented with some smaller designs, these ones are 5x7in and come in a huge range, girls, boys and homewares. Perfect to frame individually as a gift or as a set of three.

O.K. Before i go on, I do now realise that i must keep you all updated a little more often than every 2 months.  Shocking!!

Anyway, my next big thing, which i have been very slowly beavering away at in between orders is the launch of Cheeky Pickle mixed media PRINTS. The mixed media prints are of excellent quality, printed on satin matte 210gsm print paper. I add buttons to the prints and sew the print onto a backing card. I am amazed at the overall look of these prints and can't wait to get them out there and into lot's of homes. Hopefully, this will then give me more time to produce better and more complex custom orders, ones i can spend a lot of time over and maybe even go bigger than the 8x10in size i do at present.....that's my wish anyway!

Just a few of the prints i am doing at the moment. LOT'S more to come......

.....and finally. This is what i've been up to today. A custom order i have been longing for. A few designs made up in pinks and browns, yum, my favourite colour combination. I love these designs, they have a very classy feel to them.

And my last little bit of news, designed by Bianca at Little Big new logo!!! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Thanks so much Bianca, you are a mind reader. xxx

I promise not to leave it so long again before my next post. If you want to stay up to date with my latest designs, please find me on Facebook.


  1. lovely work! thanks for sharing.
    x Amy
